Quick Links
Food Processing Division members participate in the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Trust, the largest multi-employer defined-benefit plan in the US. Find out more here.
Health & Welfare
Teamsters 856 Food Processing Division Members participate in a number of different health and welfare plans. Find your coverage here.
Access your Teamsters 856 Food Processing Division contract here.
Workplace issues
Food Processing Division Representatives assist members with workplace issues, grievances, and violations of our collective bargaining agreements. Contact your representative here.
June 3, 2021
Sunsweet Growers Members’ Contract Vote
May 5, 2021
Teamsters Cannery Council Contract Ratification Vote, Saturday, May 8.
Please click here for more information.
Food Processing Division Members Rally for Safety on Day of Action

June 11, 2020
Local 856 Food Processing Division members rallied at Diamond Foods in Stockton, joining Teamsters across the nation in a day of action on June 10 to bring attention to the recent COVID-19 outbreaks in the food industry and the need for enforceable safety standards, government funding for paid sick and family leave, hazard pay, access to personal protective equipment, and testing capacity in the industry.
“We’re trying to get attention so that we can hopefully pass legislation that standardizes rules and benefits so that all workers that are essential and putting food on our tables can have the same benefits as some of our good actor companies,” said Ashley Alvarado, Teamsters Local 856 Food Processing Division Director and Vice President.
“I have never been more proud of our members,” Alvarado continued. “They had so many options not to report to work, but they are reporting every day. Without the food they process, we cannot function.”
Board of Directors — Local 856 Food Processing Division
Maria Ashley Alvarado
Food Processing Division Director
(209) 948-2800
Alberto Zamora
Board of Directors & Representative
(209) 948-2800
Manuel Rodriguez
Board of Directors
Rank & File Member:
Pacific Coast Producers
Distribution Center
Ernestina Belmontez
Board of Directors
Rank & File Member:
Kraft Heinz
Eliseo Carlos
Board of Directors
Rank and File Member:
Pacific Coast Producers Lodi
Yolanda Jimenez
Board of Directors
Rank & File Member:
Pacific Coast Producers Woodland
Jose Castaneda
Board of Directors
Rank & File Member:
About the Teamsters 856 Food Processing Division
The Teamsters 856 Food Processing Division was created in 2019 with the merger of Teamsters Local 601 and Teamsters Local 856.
The Division represents members working in California’s Central Valley who provide the essential service of processing, packaging, and distributing food across the United States.
The Teamsters 856 Food Processing Division is a part of Teamsters 856 — a growing union of 17,000 working people throughout Northern California standing together for economic progress and fairness on the job.
Headed by Principal Officer Peter Finn, the Local works to combine effective strategic planning with strong resources to position ourselves to fight smart at the bargaining table; provide aggressive representation in the workplace; and encourage member participation and involvement.
Teamsters 856 Principal Officer Peter Finn and Vice President/Director of the Food Processing Division Maria Ashley Alvarado.